Nintendo posted a 15-minute video featuring gameplay of the upcoming Monster Hunter Generations. You can check out the video above.
In this video, two of the developers, along with other Capcom and Nintendo employees, discuss the new monsters, Hunting Styles, Hunting Arts and some new info regarding details in gameplay. Monster Hunter Generations is part of Capcom’s Monster Hunter series that lets you become a mighty hunter and battle against monsters that threaten villages, trade routes and people. Quests are placed with the Hunting Guild, and it is up to you to take on the adventures proposed.
In Generations, four of the known monsters have survived generations of hunters and they have adapted and evolved into fearsome beasts. Their attacks and defenses have changed so it is up to the hunter, later on in the game’s story, to adapt to the monster’s changes and take them out. There will be the 14 weapon classes and hundreds of armor sets to craft and mix. The Hunting Styles are chosen during character creation, and they allow the player to have certain abilities and advantages during the game.
A new mode is going to be added to the MH game: the Prowler Mode gives hunters a chance to become a Felyne (the cute kitties that can wear armor and wield weapons, who were companions in MH 4 Ultimate). Playing as a prowler felyne, gives you both advantages and disadvantages. As a felyne, you don the role of a support character and aid your fellow hunters in multiplayer every way you can. Without the limitations of stamina, felynes can run and attack / aid without needing to refill the stamina bar or eat a cooked stake. The boomerang is a powerful weapon for the weakened defense of felynes. It’s best to hang back and let the human hunters attack the monster while you throw the boomerang and deal considerable damage.

A rather big change to the mounting concept in Generations, is the ability for the mounter to stay on top of the monster and attack without being thrown off because their mates are attacking the same monster. Instead, the developers have tweaked it so that hunters on the ground can attack while the monster is mounted.
The new monster to Generations played during the live-play of the demo is an owl-shaped one that uses its jeweled-colored wings to urge the wind to knock down it’s attackers. The bird wyvern, Malfestio, has two types of beams that hunters need to watch out for: the blue beam that induces sleep and the orange beam that sparks confusion for the hunter hit with it. Once a hunter is hit with confusion, all of their controls are backwards until the confusion wears off or until you eat a bitterbug which brings you back to your senses.

Beginning June 30th, anyone can download the demo for their 3DS, but select Monster Hunter 4 hunters have been given 2 codes in their email already. Those who previously played (or currently are playing) MH 4 Ultimate and have the save data on their 3DS will be given special extras when beginning Generations: one reveal was the Baby Tigrex Felyne armor (an exclusive to MH 4 U players), extra bonus zenny (in-game currency) and other helpful items.
Monster Hunter Generations will be released exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS in both digital and physical retail form on July 15, 2016. Do you dare to hunt monsters that have survived for generations?
Source: Nintendo Treehouse