According to new research conducted by the Game Developer Magazine, which takes an annual salary survey within the industry and has done for the past twelve years, has found what the average industry salary is for a game developer in 2012 and it has increased since 2011.
Game developers in the United States now earn an average salary of $84,337, around a 4% increase than what the average salary was in 2011, $81,182.
Further research found that a total of 64% of developers believe they make more money than last year whilst 29% makes the same and 7% earn less than they did in 2011. In regards to game developers believing if the video game industry was a “great industry to work in”, 24% strongly agreed, 45% agreed, 21% were neutral, 7% disagreed and 3% strongly disagreed with the statement.
Are you interested in becoming a game developer? IGN recently posted a guide for people who are looking to enter the industry but are struggling to gain experience or are thinking about doing a degree in regards to video game design, check it out by clicking this line of magical text…
[Source: GameSpot]

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