If you are a gamer, you have probably heard questions like, “Why do you need these games? Don’t you have anything else to do? Are these shooters and RPGs even useful in some way?” Such questions are usually asked by skeptics and those who have never experienced the excitement of exploring worlds and completing interesting quests. The fact is that video games are a world that gives people unforgettable emotions. What’s more, gamers can even get an educational edge while attending a college or university. Here is how video games can enhance the learning process.

Improving Short Term Memory
Have you ever had to solve logic problems in games? Memorizing passwords, quick selection of dialogues in games, and selection of picks to open locks require keeping in mind a lot of information. At the same time, such data does not need to be stored in your head for a long time since you have to memorize the code for the next door or lock. Ordinary people may mistakenly think that such activities are a waste of time. But games can greatly improve short-term memory. As a result, you will be able to memorize the correct answers faster to pass the test. In addition, it will be easier for you to find important studies or articles on the Internet.
Boosting Long Term Memory
And here is the more obvious advantage that video games can give you. Imagine that you are exploring a huge world, completing quests, and memorizing locations. For example, The Witcher 3 is a huge game with thousands of miles to explore. Hardcore gamers know every bush or creek in this game. As a rule, regular gaming sessions allow students to train the brain and gain skills in quickly memorizing information. In addition, new knowledge is not quickly forgotten.
Improving Strategic Thinking and Decision Making
Did you know that there are games where the plot’s ending depends on your decisions? Moreover, some role-playing games have more than 20 scenarios for each character. Your lines can change everything and even help you enlist the support of allies. Games help students improve their strategic thinking because even a word matters.
In addition, strategic thinking will allow you to prepare for your assignments faster. You may still need to find good swot analysis essay examples to avoid mistakes. But the ability to think two steps ahead will help you stand out from the crowd and count on high grades.
The Ability to Distinguish Truth From Lies
Many first-year students are quite naive and do not know that life is full of lies. In addition, not all studies and online articles can be reliable. Video games teach people to think critically and listen to their intuition. Not all characters are telling the truth. Sometimes information can negatively influence decision-making. True gamers can quickly analyze information and identify lies in less than a minute.
Such skills are especially important if you are a freshman looking for writing services. After reading 99papers.com reviews, you will surely understand that you need to look for more reliable companies for delegating assignments. As you can see, video games can replace the advice of experienced people.
Improving Decisiveness and Self-Confidence
Surely you have seen students with huge intellectual potential but are afraid to stand out from the crowd more than once. Such people destroy their talents and do not even try to become successful. But let’s take a look at typical video games. Most of the main characters are self-confident men and women ready to go to their goals no matter what. In many situations, such self-motivation is the only correct solution. If some task is difficult for you, you can always remember your favorite character and move forward.
Motivation for Self-Learning
While playing most RPGs, players need to reach a certain level and learn new skills. The so-called “upgrade” of the character is a great idea, given that you can gain an advantage over enemies and monsters. Real-life is also quite similar to games. To get a good job, you need to have good skills and profession. Video games show people how to go towards their goals and motivate them to new achievements. If you are not afraid of reality, you can achieve some real goals or even start a business in the future.
Final Words
As you can see, gaming is not useless and can make you a better person. The acquisition of new skills, self-motivation, and the desire to win will allow you to become one of the best students in a college or university. You need to take your gaming experience as a basis and not be afraid to move forward. Surely you will be able to acquire new educational skills and achieve your desired goals. But do not forget to strike a balance between virtual worlds and reality. As a rule, 2-3 hours of games a day are enough to keep your brain working at its limit.