Just five years after it went live, Nintendo has closed the doors on Miiverse, accessed both through the Wii U and the 3DS. For any players that attempt to access it, they will be met merely with an error screen. Additionally, Super Mario Maker has been updated on both the 3DS and the Wii U ,aking comments no longer accessible or permitted. You can however still download and upload levels, players just aren’t able to comment any more on the levels.

For those unaware, Miiverse was Nintendo’s attempt at making a kind of social media platform accessible first through the Wii U, and then on the 3DS family of systems. There were individual message boards essentially for every game, and some titles, like The Legend of Zelda, the series, had their own unique sections. When you logged into your Wii U there was a Mii plaza, that had some of the most popular games in it, some that you may have owned and some not, and it had Miis that were playing the games and some of their posts from Miiverse were viewable from the Wii U home screen. Some games like Splatoon and Super Smash Bros even embraced Miiverse and had Miiverse posts viewable in the game.

One of the biggest things that helped give Miiverse it’s own little identity were the great drawings that players would make on their Wii U or 3DS systems. Some players would spend hours and hours working on their art, and it showed. Other players could comment or like posts, like Facebook, so it was always encouraging to spend some time on a drawing and post it to get some feedback and see what people thought about it. It was probably an unintended reaction from the creation of Miiverse, but it really helped grow the Nintendo community during the rough Wii U years. Sadly, many of these drawings are lost with the exception of those that were shared and posted elsewhere online. It is nice to see though that Nintendo has included a drawing option in Splatoon 2, so Splatoon players can still make art and post in that game on the Switch.
Miiverse was a unique take by Nintendo on social media platforms. In some ways it succeeded and in some ways it failed, however it was almost always entertaining and plenty of time could be spent scouring Miiverse posts for some real gems. Did you use Miiverse, do you miss it or hope Nintendo brings a new version back someday? Let us know in the comments below.
Source: MyNintendoNews