Hey, do you like doujin games? Well, Nyu Media has got you covered, they just announced that they will be publishing Croixleur. With fast paced hack-n-slash action, frame cancels, dash cancels, and invincibility frames, Croixleur seems to be the perfect substitute for old-school Devil May Cry fans. Croixleur will have three game modes -story, score attack, and survival.
Story mode follows two friends, who represent two different factions, that must participate in a deadly ritual to see whose side will protect the Queen and who will hold military and political power. There are multiple story routes and endings, which are determined based on your performance taking down enemies.
Score attack mode has you taking down as many enemies as possible in a three minute time span, and survival unleashes hordes of enemies upon you until you are dead.
While Croixleur can be purchased directly from its website, Nyu Media is trying to get the game approved on Steam Greenlight. If you are not sure about voting for Croixleur, you can download a trial version here.
The game is set to launch January 24th for the retail price of $4.99.