As we celebrate Christmas this year, we look back on the gaming memories we have had over the years with gaming. Here are the games we fondly remember.
Corey Atwood
For me, the holidays are a time of year rich with fond video game memories. I vividly recall unwrapping my NES in 1988 while my sister, with incorrect eagerness, shouted “Atari!” I cherish the memories of my first holiday vacation from college, which I spent obsessively beating my first PlayStation 2 game, Eternal Ring. Unbeknownst to be at the time, this mostly-forgotten launch title sparked my continued love affair with From Software. Warm and fuzzy as these holiday memories are, I don’t have one specific title I play every year. However, as someone who loves both gaming and holiday tradition, I do have one very personal Xmas ritual. Bathed in only the warm glow of the Xmas tree and roaring fireplace, I thoroughly enjoy snuggling up under a thick blanket and playing a handheld system. There is something about the close glow of the small screen in a darkened room that just seems more intimate and cozy than the garish brightness of a television, on which I play most of my games. Last year, I spent most of the holiday season beating Earthbound (using only the screen of the Wii U), while this year I am focusing on The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes and Terraria on my 3DS. The weather outside may be frightful, but the games are so delightful.
Jerry Dobracki

Generally at Christmas time people have more time to game due to breaks from school, lucky vacations or because of traveling (handheld). I have two games that bring back memories of the holidays and that I played a lot during the holidays. The first game or games are Resident Evil, I remember my first break back from college I rushed home and tore through Resident Evil 1 and 2 over my break. Then my next break in college, I played through Resident Evil 3, which was the first game I ever pre-ordered. As I moved to the newer generations, the Elder Scrolls games became my Christmas game of choice. The music, the architecture, and the overall feel just make me think homey and Christmas time. Oblivion was the first one that I played during the holidays and the theme “Sunrise of Flutes” takes me right back to those Christmas feels. Skyrim doesn’t have the music that takes me back, but all that snow does.
Chris Penwell
While I haven’t got a specific Christmas ritual when it comes to gaming, memories of getting the Nintendo 64 and the Gameboy Color spring up to mind. I remember how I jumped up and down when I was given the Nintendo 64, my first gaming console, for Christmas. I loved playing Super Mario 64 on it, despite my father getting all the stars while I’m scratching my head. Even though I am not a fan of Mario at all at this point due to Nintendo’s oversaturation of the character in recent years, I still remember fondly of the beautiful worlds that Shigeru Miyamoto and his team created. Bob-Omb Battlefield in particular is engrained in my memory, and I hope at some point that instead of making another cop-out sequel or 2D title, Mario takes another step on the NX like Galaxy did on the Wii. The music of Super Mario 64 is extremely memorable as well. I also remember playing hours upon hours on the Gameboy Color with Pokémon Gold. Unlike many, Gold is my first Pokémon game, and I loved it. The music is so memorable, the simple battle system works so well, and exploring the world is so fun. Like Mario, I hope that Pokémon gets a revamp on the NX with a completely 3D adventure like Pokémon Colosseum.
I also fond memories of playing Dragon Quest VIII and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess over the holidays. It’s always great to play a fantasy J-RPG over the holidays. Another fond memory I have from Christmas is when my sister and I were playing Tomb Raider II and locked the annoying butler in the meat cellar. We found it hilarious that we could do that in the game!