Snow White with the Red Hair‘s second season was released this week on DVD and Blu-ray by FUNimation.
This anime is an adaptation of Sorata Akizuki’s manga under the Japanese title: Akagami no Shirayukihime. In the first season, Shirayuki works her way to a new position at the royal court. She is studying to become a formal Court Herbalist and everything seems to be going well. Her friends are working hard at their own jobs at the royal castle while peace seems to settle in at last. In this second season, Shirayuki is ordered on a “good-will” journey back to her home country. She must face her past life and learn how to continue crafting her own future.

Snow White with the Red Hair Season Two Blu-ray/ DVD combo pack includes the second half of the anime series to date (episodes 13-24). Both the original Japanese audio and the English dub is included with the English subtitle option. Also, episode 16 and episode 23 have included commentary.
The expected third season has yet to be announced, once it is formally revealed BagoGames will be covering the news so make sure to visit us again!
Source: FUNimation YouTube Channel