Well, it looks like our favorite plumber is at it again, only this time he has left the Mushroom Kingdom for some familiar sights around the globe. Unfortunately, we won’t be getting Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch until the holiday season, I do look forward to playing as Mario in this fully-realized 3D world. Poor Mario is always dragged around saving Princess Peach from Bowser and he just never seems to get any reprieve.

As Mario ran by I saw him take a quick glance at the Flat Iron building in New York along with some more realistic looking settings. This gives one pause realizing that Mario will now be saving the Princess in a sandbox type environment with his new pal, the googlie-eyed hat. One has to assume that this hat will allow Mario some of the same powers that we are use to seeing him with, and also giving him new ones, like the Samus-style roll I caught in the trailer. Let us hope that all of these new powers get him to the church on time so he can play out his own The Graduate ending.
Super Mario Odyssey will launch on the Nintendo Switch in Holiday of 2017. Stay tuned to BagoGames for more details as they are announced.
Source: Nintendo Switch Press Conference