A new take on traditional rpgs is coming to the Nintendo 3DS eShop. Weapon Shop De Omasse from Level 5, is the Guild‘s series last game and will launch in North America and Europe on February 20th for $7.99. The creator behind the game is comedian Yoshiyuki Hirai who is well known in Japan for his deep understanding of comics and games. The game design, hilarious dialogue and story are from Hirai’s own mind.
Instead of going on quests yourself, you play as the blacksmith in the rpg world. It is your job to forge weapons based on your clients’ specifications for them to use on their own quests. If the npcs fail their quest(s) because of the weapon‘s poor craftsmanship, you won’t get paid and the weapon disappears. In addition to creating the weapons, it is your responsibility to rent out the correct weapon to the misfit heroes according to their individual skills. Weapon Shop is an intriguing opportunity to play as an apprentice smithy and learn how vital weapon forging is in the realm of RPGs.
Via Worthplaying
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