How’s your 2017 been so far? Have you stuck to those resolutions, or have you come to your senses by now and given up? Not much in the way of new releases happens this time of year, but have you picked anything up, or are you working on that holiday backlog? Did the Nintendo Switch presentation get you hungry for new Nintendo titles, or are you totally uninterested? Let us know, in haiku form!
Here’s what we’ve been playing:

War really is Hell
Liked being a flying Ace
History is rad
Jerry Dobracki – Battlefield 1

Unlocking the skins
New levels in Versus Mode
Wow, I still dig this…
Corey Atwood – Gears of War 4

As Smartphone Games go
FF Brave Exvius sure
is a fun Escape
Alexx Aplin – Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Taking on bad guys
Never stop punching nazis
Man, what a great game
Josh Nichols – Call of Duty

I can handle this
It isn’t even scary
Oh, I peed myself
Chris Souza – Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PSVR)