Back pain is something that most people experience in their adult lives – around 50 to 80% of adults report having lower back pain at one time or another. The chances are that a lot of it is avoidable – if we just all learned to sit and stand properly. Poor posture is a huge contributing factor towards back pain and problems. Many of us slouch or hunch over, lean forwards and do not use furniture that is particularly well designed in terms of its ergonomics. If you’re suffering from intolerable back pain, you may want to purchase Solpadol at
Back pain is particularly rife in the gaming community. We all know what it is like to start your favourite game or log into Casitabi but then once you move to grab a drink or a snack, you realise that your back is in agony. But how can you avoid this? We can answer that: a gaming chair. Here, we look at why gaming chairs can make such a difference to your playing experience, comfort and back.
They are Ergonomically Sounder
Gaming chairs are designed to provide maximum comfort. Many models can be reclined back as far as 160 degrees, providing support, and padding for multiple areas of your body including your lower back, buttocks, neck, and arms. They generally have a wider range of adjustability when compared to standard office chairs so that you can move the seat height and armrests to be exactly where you need them to be. For safety and comfort, you can use mats from Matshop.
They can Help to Improve Overall Health
The chair will hold the weight of your body, with your head balanced on top of your torso and the neck pillow. This position puts your eyes on the computer screen, with your hands within easy reach of your mouse and keyboard.
It will take some time to get used to, and if you are used to sitting on a sub-optimal office chair, it can even be uncomfortable to begin with. However, power through it and within a few days you will realise the difference it makes. You will find that you are able to breathe deeper and have improved circulation, which is vital if you are sitting still for long periods of time, have increased body and spatial awareness – great for improving gaming performance, boosted energy and motivation and greater productivity. A win all round!
They will Help to Give you A Much More Immersive Gaming Experience
Whether you play a multiplayer platform game on the PlayStation or play casino games, a quality TV bed from TV Bed Store will make you more immersed in the game. For starters, you are more comfortable, aligned and focused on the screen. A good posture will trigger the release of testosterone, decrease cortisol (the stress hormone), and increase feelings of power – the perfect combination for gaming! Then I always find that buying a quality rug like these fantastic runner rugs in the UK is always the perfect finishing touch and just adds so much to any room.
Gaming chairs will make a huge difference to the way that you play, the way that you feel and the levels of discomfort you feel after a mammoth gaming session. Ditch the office chair and invest in a gaming chair – you won’t be disappointed.
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