Happy Birthday Sega Dreamcast
Some dates just have a very special meaning to me, mostly because they are a play on digits. For instance, ...
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Resident Evil all one convenient place. Get your Resident Evil News, Reviews, and updates on BagoGames.
Some dates just have a very special meaning to me, mostly because they are a play on digits. For instance, ...
What once started out as part of the exclusive Capcom 5 deal on Nintendo's GameCube has become one of the ...
Video games have been around for quite some time, and in those years some new and intuitive mechanics have been ...
No game is made the same. Neither is a person or a potential player. Saying that, I truly believe every ...
The last Gamers In Beta podcast of Spring 2016 is upon us. We welcome Joe and Corey back to the ...
Capcom has been missing the mark when it comes to the Resident Evil series. A majority of fans hold Resident Evil 4 ...
The improved version of Resident Evil 5 will launch on June 28 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, according to ...
As the release date for Umbrella Corps lumbers towards us like the undead, survival horror enthusiasts may be wondering what is in ...
Writer's Note: This article contains decades old spoilers, please read with caution if you've not beaten all the Resident Evil's ...
Here is the round up of some of the big things that happened last week in the gaming and film ...
I’ve been a big Resident Evil fan ever since the age of 7, when it gave me nightmares and a ...
One of the more interesting components of Umbrella Corps, the Resident Evil multiplayer spin-off, is one of its newest game modes: the ...
It makes tons of sense that Capcom would eventually re-release the last three numbered Resident Evil titles on current hardware. They're already ...
It seems as though Capcom is biding its time when it comes to revealing--or even mentioning--a hint of Resident Evil ...
Co-op, both local and online, has been slowly slithering its way into our favorite hobby, for better and for worse. ...
We're halfway through the week, so you know what that means! It's time for more silly, game-themed poetry! On par ...
I'm going through some Resident Evil mania right now, and combined with the impending release of a remastered Resident Evil 0, and ...
Halloween is just around the corner, and some people aren't lucky enough to be invited to the parties. What do ...
With the news of the recent re-release of Surge soda to East Coast markets, my mind was brought back to ...
Capcom's been digging out a lot of undead classics from the closet lately, but they do have one new Resident ...
All survival horror fans need to mark January 19, 2016 on their scare calendar. That is the date that Capcom has ...
It is well known that I'm a survival-horror fanatic and I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for ...
Resident Evil remakes are all the rage these days for Capcom – so much so that word of an old Resident Evil ...
Resident Evil isn't dead yet – at least, not if Capcom's latest trademark has anything to say about it. Just ...
Capcom has announced that Resident Evil: Revelations 2 will launch on Vita on August 18. Watch the trailer above. This ...
It's been sixteen long years since the Resident Evil series hit the zero mark. First shown off at the Tokyo ...