

Necessary information concerning me: Well, I should mention that I am a university student, blogger, and gaming journalist that happens to also be an Otaku, millennial, and intellectual. My personality type is INTJ.

Ritual: Crown of Horns Review

Ritual: Crown of Horns is a Draw Distance production. This Poland-based developer’s horror credentials are impressive, given their work in the upcoming Vampire: The...

John Wick Hex Review

John Wick Hex Review

John Wick Hex describes itself as a fast-paced, action-oriented strategy game that forces one to think and strike like John Wick,...

M.A.S.S. Builder Review

M.A.S.S. Builder Review

This is an early access review, meaning whatever is addressed within the review is subject to change. M.A.S.S. Builder is an...


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